So last night when I got home I had a couple of packages waiting for me. One contained a 128Mb gamecube memory card, essentially for my Wii. So now there’s somewhere for those N64 saves of Mario64 to go. The other was another order from which contained a 1Gb SD card, also for the Wii (now there are extra channel and save spaces), a ‘real’ 8Gb MS Pro Duo for my PSP (after the palaver that has been me trying other methods, ending up with a fake card off of ebay and more recently the 8Gb MicroSD with adaptor that none of my Sony devices recognise) that I should just have got in the first place. Then last but hopefully not least, a standard size SD adaptor for the fore-mentioned MicroSD card, which hopefully will be supported by my Treo after I amend the now-custom firmware with the SDHC patch…

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